
Friday, March 24, 2006

I'd like to see some... 

Commericals for things you can't buy, like trees, or honesty.

Brings Ya Back... 

Elderly couple at home in their living room, sitting in adjacent comfy chairs. Wife is knitting, husband is reading the New York Times.

Husband: Says here in the paper heroin's popular again.

Wife: So the kiddies like the horse, do they?

H: Eh, yeah. Says too it's cheaper and up to 7 times more potent than the stuff in our day.

W: Longer high, is it?

H: Mmhmm.

W: Cheaper, didja say?

H: Mmhmm...

W: Hmm...

H: Hmm...

Drugs are good, m'kay? 

In commercials for pharmaceuticals, I'd like to see a running list next to each actor/model of what pharmaceuticals they take in real life.

Not poetry, but like that 

living truthfully under imagined conditions

in pigtails

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